

"It Felt Empty requires Milanovich to be on stage every moment, usually alone, and to navigate a complex range of emotions and experiences . . . All this Milanovich brings off with aplomb, even artistry. With a combination of fierce commitment and well-honed technique, she utterly inhabits the character of Dijana: flaws, delusions, and all."

- The Boston Globeit felt empty when the heart went at first but it is alright now

"[Milanovich's] stamina is simply astonishing, carrying two thirds of the play all by herself (and her Russian is spot on, to boot.)"

- Boston Arts Review, it felt empty when the heart went at first but it is alright now

"You can also see it for Milanovich's extraordinary talent in this psychological thriller."

- Boston Events Insider, it felt empty when the heart went at first but it is alright now

"Milanovich does give us the right balance of vulnerability, toughness, and denial to survive such a life, and is an actress to watch."

- Joyce's Choices, it felt empty when the heart went at first but it is alright now

"The performances by Ms. Milanovich and Ms. Janice are of the highest order . . . One would be hard pressed to find better acting anywhere in the Boston area."

- The White Rhino Report, it felt empty when the heart went at first but it is alright now

"Milanovich does not disappoint . . . she has the task of delivering this delicate story in an intimate, believable way and she goes above and beyond."

- Lesley Public Post, it felt empty when the heart went at first but it is alright now

"As Annabel, Milanovich is given a character that eschews fun and frivolity, but she manages to make her fun and engaging."

- Wicked Local, Lucky Stiff

"Barbato and Milanovich have great chemistry as their relationship evolves from adversarial to affectionate, and their duet acknowledging their friendship ("Nice") is sweetly sung."

- BroadwayWorld, Lucky Stiff

"As played by Lizzie Milanovich, she was quirky with a dash of sass that paired nicely with Barbato’s portrayal of Witherspoon."

- OnStage Blog, Lucky Stiff

"Milanovich imbues servant Helene with some personality."

- WBUR Artery, A Doll's House

"And Helene, the housemaid played by Lizzie Milanovich, is a delightful, subtle character who seems to think Nora has something going on with Krogstad."

- Wicked Local, A Doll's House

"Milanovich cannily switches from a rascally Tad Lincoln to a snobbish male hotel concierge."

- Talkin' Broadway, How Soft the Lining

"The always reliable Lizzie Milanovich has fun portraying the rambunctious Tad."

- The White Rhino Report, How Soft the Lining

"Milanovich and Larson share a fine chemistry and make for charismatic and earnest protagonists."

- The Arts Fuse, From the Sea, To Somewhere Else

"Simes and Milanovich rule the show on one level . . . while Milanovich's Karma -- who is something of a troublemaker, as well as a guardian angel of sorts -- brings a jolt of self-possessed attitude to the stage."

- EDGE Media Network, That Time the House Burned Down

"Milanovich did a great job portraying her multidimensional character."

- OnStage Blog, That Time the House Burned Down